Visualize your business with 2c8 Apps - 2c8

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Visualize, develop and grow your business with 2c8 Apps.

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to improve it

Visualize, develop and grow your business with 2c8 Apps.

users_meeting icon from the O-Collection. Copyright by INCORS GmbH (

Create a shared view

2c8 Apps creates a common map of practices and operations for everyone in the organization. It facilitates management and operations.

media_fast_forward icon from the O-Collection. Copyright by INCORS GmbH (

Drive efficiency

2c8 Apps exposes inefficiencies and glitches in structures, processes and procedures. Visualizing these challenges in maps and models make them easier to address.

windup_key icon from the O-Collection. Copyright by INCORS GmbH (

Implement with ease

2c8 Apps has an intuitive interface and is not only easy to use, but also straightforward to implement across the organization.

fit_to_size icon from the O-Collection. Copyright by INCORS GmbH (

Scale quickly

2c8 Apps is successfully used by organizations of different sizes in both the public and private sector.

Our customers

Courses & support

- Always within reach

2c8 offers both training and consultant support in all phases of your work. Feel confident from the start with our courses, suitable for beginners as well as the more advanced user.

Publish and share

Publish and share created maps and models within the organization. Create reports, interactive web features or images.

View multiple perspectives

Visualize and view different perspectives of your organization. Move easily between perspectives by exploring a different model or map.

Share responsibility

The positions accountable for certain processes and structures are not always involved in mapping them. For those who only need to view, review and edit models, there is 2c8 Lite.

Publish and share

Publish and share created maps and models within the organization. Create reports, interactive web features or images.

View multiple perspectives

Visualize and view different perspectives of your organization. Move easily between perspectives by exploring a different model or map.

Share responsibility

We recognize that there may be people who are accountable for processes and structures but may not be as involved in mapping them. Thus we have created 2c8 Lite, a simpler tool to view, review and edit models.

what our customers say about us

Dan Sone - Anchor Management Consulting

Ida Bäckström - The City of Sundbyberg

Per Eskilsson - Kammarkollegiet